This should be one of my most exciting posts. For 5 months I have endured the Rapid Palate Expander. After just a few days of having it in, I thought I was going to rip it out my mouth. After about a week, I was starting to get used to it. After 5 months I can’t say that I liked it, but I was definitely used to working around it and attributed most of the “braces” pain in my mouth to it. So I was excited to get it out just because I figured it would mean no more orthodontic pain except for when I got my adjustments. I was very wrong.
Removal of the Palate Expander
I have to say that I was worried about them removing it. As much as I wanted it out, I figured it would be painful. The tech assured me that it would be no big deal at all. Since it didn’t actually hurt to have it installed, I believed her. And I think she lied. Either that or I have the most sensitive molars in the history of teeth.
To remove the expander she basically had to shake the cement around my molars loose. My right molar has been sensitive since the first day all of this started. Every day. Of course it was going to hurt to have it shaken repeatedly! My left molar wasn’t much better. By the time she got the bands off of those teeth, I had tears running down my face. But it was out! My mouth tasted so incredibly gross. But I could talk normally again!!
Replacing the Bands
Although the expander could come out, I had to have the metal bands around the molars replaced to have something for the braces to connect to. I think it’s because I have some crowns back there. You might be lucky and not have to have the bands on your molars.
It should have been an easy process. There was plenty of space for them. Unfortunately, it was the most painful thing I have endured so far. It took her about 10 tries of pounding them in and pulling them back out before she thought that they were okay. I couldn’t take the pain anymore, so she cemented them back in. My gums were swollen and bleeding. Not fun.
Aftermath of the Bands
On the plus side, I can eat rice again without getting frustrated. I even ate a Hershey kiss just to prove that I could use the roof of my mouth again. My speech almost immediately went back to normal. It’s like I never even had it in there!
Now the negative. For days my molars still hurt so badly that I couldn’t chew on them. Luckily I had a regular dental cleaning scheduled (thank goodness for my dental insurance!). I told her about the pain and she checked it out. Apparently there was a bunch of cement wedged into my gums and she was guessing that was causing the pain. After numbing me up and scraping around in there, she got it all out. She then prescribed me some “Mary’s Magic Potion” to help with the pain, possible infection, etc. A day later and the pain is still just as bad. But I am holding out hope.
Next Steps
Soon I will have to have a band put onto one of the bottom molars (another crown) to anchor the bottom braces. I think I have about another month. Suffice to say I am REALLY dreading that based on how much these top bands are hurting. From there I continue to get adjusted until the front is all straight. I think I only have two bottom teeth left to straighten! Then they start correcting the bite in the back (I think with rubber bands).
I’m only 6 months in to the 2 years, but they are definitely looking better and I am getting more used to them in general. It still seems like a “forever” process, but I am getting there.
Read about my journey from the start.
O m g, I am going through this right now. Had the “spacers” put in between molars to make space… and I thought that sucked. Then once there was more space I had the palate expander put in, what a miserable device. I was fortunate enough to only of had it in 4 months, however… I got it taken out today. i was jumping with joy to get it friggin’ taken out but once he started removal process HOLY COW the pain!!! I thought I was gonna pee, poop and vomit all at once. Involuntarily groaning and clutching the chair and tears just streaming down… oof! Then I had no idea they were gonna jam new bands on there, then take it back off and then hammer it back in ONCE more to attach to the rest of my braces. While yes, its amazing to have a free upper palate again, I am in SO much pain at the molars! It hurts to even eat soup or drink water with a straw. I imagine it’ll be sore for a week? I’ve taken advil, and I’m starting to think I bought a bottle of placebos because nothing is touching the soreness. Apparently bottom braces go on in a few months, how I pray I won’t need to get bands around my bottom molars… I’ll have to ask when I go in next month for my adjustment. I’m getting an underbite correction. I have a huge front tooth gap from the expansion, and I’ve always had a slight snaggle tooth next to my front tooth so, not too much strengthening to worry about but the works of moving teeth for correction of my jaw.
Since I’m an adult I thought eh I probably won’t have braces that long, so when i asked what my dentist estimated… he said most cases two years but since I had the palate expander probably 2.5 years :'( but it will all be worth it! …right?? Hahah
Im pleased to read it was all a blur for you afterwards. That’s good to know!
What was the retainer process like?
How long until the palate closes back up does anyone know the heel time on the palate?
I didn’t notice any difference in the palate at all. I wonder if it’s because as an adult it’s less about moving the palate and more about moving the teeth outward?
Until I got this comment, I hadn’t read this post in almost 4 years. The whole braces process that seemed like such a big deal at the time is now nothing but a blur to me! I don’t even remember the day that I had it taken out—but apparently it was quite traumatic at the time!
Ow! Congrats-there is no way I could have done braces as an adult.