I know a lot of people who make money online. Legitimately. From the people who make a little extra spending money through survey sites to the big players who earn their income through affiiate marketing, there is a lot of money to be made. Part of the problem is that if you get into a site too late, you may not have the chance to earn as much as people who got in early.
I heard of a new site today called All Voices that is looking for contributors. From what I can tell, you basically write articles on their site and get paid based on the number of people who read your articles. That’s a simple version. The real details involve the number of articles you write, how many people become a “fan” of your work, etc.
It’s an interesting concept. If you are the least bit interested and have any desire to write for money, you should try it out. It doesn’t cost anything to sign up, so you have nothing to lose. If you do sign up and write anything, come back here and leave a comment so that we can go check you out!