I’m always on the lookout now for free Amazon credits through my Fire Stick. It has been awhile since I had seen one, so I was happy to see one pop up this week. You have to land on the FireTV landing page to get it, which sometimes means scrolling through the various ads. The offer expires February 17, but the credit will not expire until March 19.
“Receive a $2 Prime Video credit from L’Oreal Paris – Plump Ambition.”
Unfortunately, this one was only for a $2 credit (compared to the $4 and $5 credits we saw last year). However, something is better than nothing. And it was super easy to take advantage of.
Normally I always scroll through the ads at the very top of the home screen to look for credit possibilities. I’m not sure if it was because I was on a different Fire Stick than usual or if they advertised this one differently, but the offer for the credit was actually BELOW the advertisement itself. So you had to look a little more closely to see it:

The text read “Get Valentine’s Day Ready. Enjoy Romantic Movies and a $2 Prime Video Credit”
Once you watch the very short commercial, you will receive an email with further instructions:
You have received a $2 Prime Video credit from L’Oreal Paris – Plump Ambition. Shop now on Amazon! The credit has been applied to your account successfully.
How to use your Prime Video credit:
Step 1: Visit the Prime Video store on web, mobile, or television.
Step 2: Choose a movie or TV show and select the Prime Video credit in your purchase options.
Step 3: The credit will automatically be applied to your eligible selection and discounted price will be shown in Your Order History.
Reward expires on Wed, Mar 19, 2025, 11:59 PM PT.”
It’s always worth looking for these! I think I have gotten around $30 in Amazon Prime Credits in the last year from them!
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