A few months ago I was at a conference where a company was offering samples of their CBD products. Although I’m not a big CBD user, a lot of my friends were trying the gummies, and I know that we sell a fair amount through Sunshine Rewards. So I spent about an hour with the company’s founder learning everything from how they work with the growers to why the packaging looks the way it does.
I came home with a LOT of samples and spent time trying different things and having my husband and daughter try other things. I’m now ready to talk about Aspen Green!
The Aspen Green Story
As a part of the time I spent with President & CEO Brandon Lewis, I learned about the importance of knowing where and how the hemp is grown. Brandon showed me pictures of himself in the fields where their hemp is grown as well as pictures of their manufacturing process. The company is HUGE on accountability. He and his business partner spend a lot of time in the cannabis and hemp community not only encouraging best practices but also helping to destigmatize its use. I could tell you a lot more, but you can also find a lot on their website! Suffice to say, I was impressed by the fact that this isn’t just a sales job for them–it’s a way of life and an issue they feel passionately about for various reasons.
CBD Tinctures (Oil) Versus Oil
One of the things you will see on most reputable CBD website is that they sell both oils (sometimes called tinctures) as well as gummies. I always assumed that “tincture” meant something that you apply externally. In the case of CBD, tinctures are actually made of oil that you ingest directly.
I talked to Brandon at length about the difference between the Aspen Green oils and the gummies, considering a lot of them have the same flavors, strengths, and even names (Rest, Relief, Calm, Bliss). Why do they sell both if they essentially do the same thing? There are actually some big differences between the oils and the gummies that cause people to choose one or the other.
Gummies are easy and usually taste a little better. They are easily portable and each gummy has a pre-measured dose. Gummies were my introduction to CBD, and I had never even considered anything else. I learned however, that how gummies impact you depends a lot on what you have eaten and how recently you ate it. Because the gummies have to pass through your digestive system, the absorption of the CBD is slowed and they can take 30 minutes to 2 hours to kick in.
CBD oils allow for a precise dosage because they come with a dropper. Brandon suggested squirting the oil to the back of your gum line and holding it there for a little while until it gets absorbed (a minute or three). It will enter the bloodstream faster and the effects will kick in faster (within about half an hour). You do get more of the taste of the CBD than with the gummies. Oils can also be added to food and drinks.
Does the Aspen Green CBD Work?
I’m not a doctor…and as a lawyer, I know especially not to try to act like a doctor! The thing about CBD is that it impacts everyone differently. In fact, three of us in my house taking the same CBD all had different results. But we also all weigh a lot different and have different tolerances for… erm …. herbal stuff. We all even had different preferences when it came to the flavors (I liked the Tropical).
What I can confidently say is that I did not have any of the negative side effects that I have had with some of the other CBD products I have gotten online. I tend to only take CBD products close to bedtime and have had times where I have woken up jittery and unable to get back to sleep. I’ve also woken up with headaches the next day. I did NOT have either of those happen with Aspen Green products (or other negative side effects) and I think it’s because 1) the products don’t have a lot of added bad chemicals, and 2) I was taking dosages that were appropriate for me.
Did I feel “high”? No. Did I feel relaxed? Yes. Did I sleep through the whole night? Yes.
As you can see from the picture at the top of the post, my family has tried a LOT of the products (and the Relief Cooling Cream and Relief Balm aren’t even in the picture). Would I recommend Aspen Green CBD to my friends who are curious about CBD? Absolutely. If I’m going to give my kid something to try, you had better believe I feel confident in it. (reminder–my “kid” is 22!! Don’t send CPS to my house!)
(Although Aspen Green frequently runs deals on its website, visit Sunshine Rewards for Aspen Green coupons and cash back! Right now you can use SUNSHINE20 to get 20% off)
Are you a CBD fan? Have you ever tried Aspen Green?
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