A couple of months ago, my husband and I were making dinner and I noticed it was taking a long time for our oven to heat up. When I opened it up, I saw smoke and what looked like sparking in the bottom coil. We immediately turned it off, but it was too late. The coil had literally burned itself the whole way through.
It wasn’t totally unexpected. All of our appliances are about 17 years old, and we figured we would have to start replacing things. But I really love my stove! I went online to try to find something similar and just wasn’t having any luck.
My husband off-handedly said “I think I can just replace that coil.” It had not even occurred to me that it might be worth trying, especially given that the whole thing was approaching 20 years old.
We went on AppliancePartsPros.com and looked for our oven model. Sure enough, we were able to order just the coil and have it delivered in a couple of days.
Even better than that, AppliancePartsPros.com had a video on their product page showing us exactly what to do! So we knew when we ordered the part that it would be fairly simple. And when it came time to actually do the replacement ourselves, we just followed along with the video. There were a couple of helpful tips in the video when it came to the wiring that likely saved us from wasting a lot of time.
Given that the rest of the stove is in pretty good shape, it absolutely made sense just to spend $100 replacing this burner and hope to get a few more years out of the stove overall. If something else had gone out with the computers or cooktop, we might not have had a choice but to pay for a costly repair person or just replace it altogether. But having this option to replace the coil ourselves not only saved money…. it saved me from having to try to figure out a new stove to buy!!
I would 100% recommend AppliancePartsPros.com if you are looking to replace a part on your oven, washer, dryer, refrigerator, microwave, etc. Their shipping was so fast that I was still able to make the chicken that I had thawed just a couple of days later!
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