Just hearing the words “colon cleanse” makes me a little nervous. I have always ignored the whole “cleanse and detox” thing in favor of Weight Watchers. However, I have a friend who just swears by it. She does it about once a quarter and says that it makes her feel better and lose bloat around her middle. I was skeptical because most of the time I see ads for colon cleanse products, they seem like spam.
Now I see that Jillian Michaels (of “The Biggest Loser”) has a program. I have to admit that I am interested. You can buy the Jillian Michaels 14 Day Cleanse and Burn, which is supposed to jump start your weight loss routine while at the same time cleaning out toxins from your body. It also comes with Probiotic Replenishment, which I do believe in.
It looks like Jillian Michaels has a whole line of other products, some that are similar including another Detox program and some fat burners. They work miracles on “The Biggest Loser” and I have to think that they are using some kind of supplements. Given that Jillian Michaels has her name on these products and has a good reputation, I am considering trying one of them.
Have you tried any of these? What did you think? Is there another short-terms cleanse or detox that you liked better?
(FYI…I checked out my local GNC and they did NOT have all of the products above. So I guess I will be ordering online with quick shipping to get them soon!)
Im.on day 4 nothing is going on… No gas.. No bowel movement…. No extra peeing…
OKAY. . so I’m on day three of Jillian Michaels Colon cleanse. . and the only thing i’ve noticed is I’m peeing a little bit more but no bowel movements and I don’t feel any difference yet. I’m still excited though. Hoping for change.
I am on day 3 of the cleanse and detox. I can tell a little bit of a difference. I am peeing alot more than usual. My bowel movements are alot looser. (I suffer from IBS, but mostly constipation instead of diarrea.) I am not a big water drinker, but I do take this with a full glass of water, but really don’t drink anymore water than that in a day. I know that would probably enhance the effects of the cleanse. Anyway, I am hopeful that this program really works. I am curious about the fat burner though. I hope I don’t have adverse effects from the caffeine. I haven’t seen many comments about the fat burner.
I started the Detox and Cleanse last Sunday. During the first 7 days, I was gassy and peed ALOT more than usual. I did not weigh myself before starting the product because I want to see how I feel and see results versus a number. I began the Probiatic and Fatr burners this past Sunday and I have seen an increase in my energy while working out and I have noticed I’m not as quick to snack on junky foods and when eating, I am feeling full faster. This is all in conjunction with a better diet and an increase in my exercise regiment. Hopefully teh results will be a flatter tummy and healthier body!! ๐
I started the 14 day detox & cleanse yesterday. I’ve been peeing a lot more than normal and have more gas but BM’s seem normal. If anybody is on to the fat burner pills already can you let me know if you experienced any jitters or any adverse effects? I am a little nervous about that part.
I am on day 10 of the cleanse and burn. I stared taking the pills to jump start my diet because i had a baby 8 months ago and I am going on a cruise in a month! I am taking the pills along with doing the 30 day shred and following a healthy eating plan. so far I have lost 8 lbs. almost a pound a day….
omg now im so nervous I just took my first pills about a half hour ago and I am going away this weekend to a wedding oh how i really hope and pray i dont experience some of the things mentioned above
Ill up date you
Started the 14 day cleanse and burn today. So far, not noticing any big changes but I have only had one dose. I did notice this morning I was peeing a lot more than normal and when I worked out(30 Day Shred) I sweated a lot more than normal….so maybe I am cleansing that way! Who knows but I will update in a few days!
I bought the 14 day cleanse & burn last week and I think i’m going to start today.. I’m sure I’ll lose a bunch a weight in combination with some of the drugs i take- not the cheapest plan in the book but we SHALL SEE!
Brandee: Think you may be going just a little overboard with all of that?
i started the cleanse and detox last night and took the second round of pills this morning. One thing I am not doing like it says is drinking a full glass of water. I am not a big drinker so a full glass is a little tuff for me.
So far, I am really gassy but no bowel movements. I am also taking Alli… so i am really in for a treat, lol.
most of my fat is belly fat, i was thinking of buying relacore. Have any of you tried it?
I took my first two pills Tuesday morning and was in the ER Thursday afternoon. Major dehydration from vomitting and diahhrea. Wish I would have read comments before taking these pills.
I am on day 2 of this 14 day cleanse and burn by Jillian Michaels, and I have not had any bad effects really. No over use of the bathroom or gas like some others. Truly I think everyone will experience it different since we all are not the same. I really hope it works, I just am having issues with trying to change my diet habits because I do not eat very healthy at all. I am taking Vitamins from GNC along with this program as well. I did not weigh myself before starting because for me it is not about the number, it’s more about the visual changes I will see. I am also working out 3-4 days a week, and the job I do is very physical so I move around a lot. Let’s hope for the best to come!
Hey…just wondering about the updates of the people who have started the 14 day cleanse and detox program? I am so tempted to buy the set from GNC then begin the 30 day shred with it.
To Mestiza – toxins don’t exclusively leave the body through bowel movements, they also leave the body through your skin pores. Hopefully by now you’ve had a BM!!
On day 1, and will only take 1 pill in the am and pm. Have been in bed all day, throwing up and major diahhrea. Nothing is in my body and am so tired. I trully just feel like I took 20 laxatives and my stomach is grinding and not happy. Maybe I won’t take anymore at all. I recommend start with 1 and if you need the 2 move on the next day.
If ANY of this stuff worked, would 2 out of 3 Americans be overweight or obese? Nothing works besides honestly seeing your unhealthy choices and digging your heels in until your change them. Seeing poor health choices in your life as they are- and pressing on until you change them- will transform your body, life, and future in ways you can’t begin to imagine. Nothing you can buy can ever do that for you.
I am on day five of the detox and cleanse. Unlike everybody that has posted, I do not have gas and so far only two bowel movements since I have started these pills. My pants do fit a little better but overall this is not a “diet pill” so not expecting to loose weight off of this product yet just to cleanse myself !!I am still debating on taking the Julian Micheals fat burner after the cleanse is done with!!
i am so curious as to the results you guys are having. please update soon
I just started the 14 day program today. Took the first 2 pills a few hours ago and am starting to have wicked gas. Also, my face has turned really red and hot (which is not normal for me) Maybe it’s because I had coffee this morning and the pills have a lot of caffeine? Anyone else have this experience? I’m supposed to go on a date this weekend and I really don’t want to go all red-faced and farting up a storm, ya know?
im also on day two, will update daily
I purchased the 14 Day program with the detox the first week and the priobotics and fat burner for the 2nd week. I’m on day 4 of the detox. The same day I started exercising for 20-30 min a day on my Tony Little Gazelle, which I love. I weighed myself on the start of day 1 and will weigh myself a week later, which will be March 1st. I figured it’s worth a try…..there is a full money back guarantee if you’re not satisfied, so nothing to lose. I’ll post my 7 day weight loss (HOPEFULLY) on Monday. Oh, yes, it’s does give me horrid gas…worse than my dogs! lol
Hi! Today is day two of my detox and cleanse with probiotic. I just took my second dose of my second day. I must say…I am not really sure as to what to expect in regards to getting rid of toxins by detoxing my system. Is it through waste?? lol Reason I am saying this is because I have not been to the restroom(pooh) since I started. Strange I think. I have been peeing alot! However, when I drink my dandelion root tea from health hut I pee tons and feel less bloated as well. Dandelion tea has great anti inflammatory properties as well as detoxification properties.
I just wonder if I should stop taking the pills since it seems to be doing the oppisite. I mean…I feel less bloated amazingly -lol
Any advice out there???
Mestiza daY 2
We completed our 7 day cleanse and I am very happy with it! I didn’t weigh myself before I started, but my jeans are absolutely fitting better. It was NOT a colon cleanse like I have read about. I was not in the bathroom all the time. I combined my 7 days with counting Weight Watchers points, exercising every other day, and drinking more green tea. My husband lost 7 pounds in the first 5 days!
The thing that I noticed most was that I wasn’t craving sweets as much. I had Raisinettes on about day 4 and 1/4 of a cup was enough for me. I normally eat the whole box!
I’m now on Day 2 of the Probiotics and the Fat Burner. I don’t feel jittery at all, but I have only taken 2 pills a day instead of the 4 that she recommends.
I now plan on doing the 7 day cleanse at least twice a year.
The one caveat that I would give is about the online 7 day program that comes “free” in the box. My 7 days was up on Saturday. I went online to cancel and they said that I had to call Monday through Friday. So I had my credit card billed for the next 13 weeks and now have to call Monday to try to get a refund. I don’t like that.
Please do keep commenting on how the 7 day cleanse is going im thinking of purchasing a similar product
Just started the pills this morning. No effects until 2 pm: lots of gas. Not too much fun, but it’s doing something! Will leave a comment every other day: I got the 7 day cleanse ๐