I usually try to stay clear of posting much about politics or religion because I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Especially during the election season when emotions were running so high, I tried to keep my mouth shut despite a lot of things that I wanted to comment on.
But after spending some time on Facebook this morning, I just can’t keep quiet anymore. I am so tired of reading comments and seeing posts that essentially say “If you are liberal, you must not be a Christian” or “The liberals are trying to kill Christianity in our country.” It just isn’t true. Every group from the neighborhood HOA to the Democratic party has bad eggs, but sweeping generalizations like these do nothing but put people more at odds and damage us all.
I Am a Christian
I’ll just put that right out there first. The picture above is of my daughter Cassie’s baptism at the First Presbyterian Church. She’s wearing the same dress that I was baptized in, along with my sister and my older daughter. My husband and I were married in his family’s church with a totally traditional ceremony full of Bible verses. I gave the prayer at my high school baccalaureate. I sometimes wear a cross necklace that my mom gave me from when she was a teenager. I accepted Christ as my Savior in junior high at my church’s summer camp. I’ve never once denied my religion or even paused when anyone asked me if I am a Christian.
Do you see where I am going with this? Is that enough proof? The Bible seems to say so. Even young children know that John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” Further, Romans 10:9-10 says, “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.”
Moving on.
I am a Liberal
I know it’s a dirty word to many of you. I’m not any more ashamed of it than I am of being a Christian. The two are not mutually exclusive because Liberalism is not a religious concept. It’s a social and economic concept. The dictionary defines it as things like “marked by generosity” and “broad-minded.” When did those become bad things?
While my religion has shaped my faith, my life experience has shaped my liberalism. Yes, I believe in homosexual rights. I didn’t when I was a kid. But as I’ve gotten older and met so many wonderful people and come to understand what the absence of those rights means to them, I’ve grown in my beliefs. No, I do not believe there should be school prayer. And not because I don’t want my own kids to pray. But because I have come to know many families who are NOT Christian whose children would be put in an uncomfortable situation every time it came time for them to have to pray. Is it fair to make a 9-year-old have to explain to their class why they are different than the Christians in the class when even many adult Christians that I know are not tolerant of it?
Being liberal doesn’t mean that I want to convert anyone else. You don’t proselytize your social views. That’s a religious concept. You might speak your mind sometimes or engage in discussions with people to back up your view. I’m not out to steal your Christmas. I promise! I spend Christmas Eve at church singing songs with tears in my eyes and holding a candle. But don’t freak out if I send you a card that says “Happy Holidays” on it. I hope Eric has a Merry Christmas. And I hope Missy has a Happy Hanukkah. And I hope Daniel has a Happy New Year.
Crazy Rants Make All Christians Look Bad
Do you want to know the fastest way to ensure that someone will NEVER become a Christian? Tell them that their whole belief system is wrong and that they are ruining the country with their liberal opinions. I can pretty much guarantee that they will not even give our faith a second look. Continually post on Facebook about how bad “liberals” are and you won’t just lose them from the church but will probably lose them as friends eventually, too.
Want to know how to get them to CONSIDER accepting Jesus? Show them that we are an inclusive group who help the poor and the sick and leave the judging up to the only being who is qualified to do it–GOD. Complain about a specific bill that a Democrat voted for. Petition Obama for his stance on an issue. But don’t generalize that the mere act of being a liberal makes someone a bad person or less of a Christian.
If you’ve made it to the end, it either means you REALLY agree with me or you REALLY do not. Leave a comment telling me why. I truly want to understand why we all can’t just peacefully co-exist and stop trying to make each other feel like bad people. It’s not the legacy I want to leave to my kids. And it is certainly not the legacy that is going to save our country from the problems that it faces.
I read this because I agree. I’m certainly not liberal (probably would be called a moderate). The thing that I appreciate about you is that you share your opinions in such a relaxed, intelligent way. I have to roll my eyes at many liberals because they rave in the same way you call out conservatives. Both the extreme attitudes won’t do either side any good, in my opinion.
Thanks, Anne. And I roll my eyes at the ranting liberals as well. I just want to yell “Don’t you realize you are ruining it for the rest of us!!!”
Amen, Tricia. I struggle with those that speak the loudest from the “Christian right” and wonder if they have ever truly read the Bible. They forget that Christ dined with sinners and walked with the downtrodden. That he moved people with his kindness and love, not his criticism and hate. I also appreciate your comments separating faith from religion and religion from politics. I could go on about that for quite a while, but I’ll leave that to what you have said.
New title head suggestion, Sinners and Downtrodden Liberals can be Christians Too. Sorry, had to do it… 🙂
I am both of those as well. LOL!
I’m sure you are aware of the many people on FB that “unfriended” me because of my liberal beliefs, so be it. I wonder if those same people would have unfriended me for my Christian beliefs. Probably not. Its not one in the same and should not be categorized as such. Everyone has a right to their own political and religious views, even though I can’t always understand them, I respect them, and like you, I am curious to hear as to why they feel like they feel, they won’t change my mind and I won’t change theirs, but thats ok, thats what makes the world go round. Peace On.
Thank you Tricia, excellent post that reflects my feelings also. As a follower of Christ I also try to accept people with very different views as my friends because hate will never help anyone see the light. There is enough hate in the world, it needs more light like you share here. Thank you!
Beautifully said, Tricia. I was even a bit tearful when I read your blog, because I could have written it myself. For some reason I’m finding more and more people in my life pressuring me to leave my liberal beliefs behind. It has been breaking my heart hearing such hurtful things being said by people I love about gay rights, gun control or many other traditionally hot button issues. I’m not trying to change their beliefs, why are they trying to change mine? I don’t like being dismissed as, “not a true Christian”.
Thanks, Chris. I, too, feel like people want me to choose one or the other and I don’t think that is fair. I just want people to accept that I’m making the best decisions that I can based on the information that I have and the way that I feel in my heart!
I don’t care who you worship or what you believe. Just keep smiling Sunshine McGiggles. Keep it positive. I’ve only unfriended/hidden people because they are constantly negative.
I so agree, Tricia. Thank you for putting it so well. I myself am tired of being treated like a heathen because I’m socially liberal.
Well said!! I also wonder many times why we can’t peacefully co-exist. Shaming one another for our beliefs isn’t going to solve anything. Your post put a smile on my face knowing that Katie has a friend with such great parents!!
Thanks, Ashlea. And vice versa!!