When I first saw the TaxACT commercial with the little boy peeing in the pool, I was completely grossed out and couldn’t even figure out what it had to do with TaxACT. Now that I have watched it a couple of times, I have some more thoughts. How about you?
First, TaxACT may not even care if you remember the commercial was about them as long as there is enough buzz (like this blog post!) about them. Second, I guess I can sort of get the “totally free” connection to being able to do your taxes for free on TaxACT. It’s a stretch, but it’s creative. Third, TaxACT may not care if you remember their brand name the first time that you see the Super Bowl commercial because they plan on continuing to run it a lot between now and April 15 and eventually it will stick with you.
What are your thoughts on the commercial? Are you so grossed out that it makes you not want to use TaxACT or was it so creative that you might consider giving them a shot now? Did you even remember the brand name after you saw it? Did it make you curious about their free services? The “extended” version of the TaxACT Super Bowl commercial is below.
All i thought was that his sister is a bitch for being selfish in taking the bathroom even though she knew how badly he really needed to go!
It’s a metaphor. It probably means that we have to file tax returns early than be caught in a very tight situation.
However, the comparison still seems to be gross for me.
Human urine is completely staral. And even if it wasn’t the clorine in the pool would take care of that because it is a disinfectant.
Okay, it was funny, ONCE! But I really don’t think that it should be aired again and again. Unlike the football game which is pretty much geared to adults, kids will now see the boy taking a leak in the pool. They will think that it is neat. Have you ever been to a public pool when it is brought to the health officials attention that someone has urinated in the water? That was all the better that Taxact could come up with? I was considering Taxact for doing my taxes. The boy peeing in the pool was not a good idea. Having Taxact do my taxes does not seem like a good idea either.
I’m a parent of three, from ages 14 to 25 and my first thought after seeing this commercial was..”Really? With all the money they spent for this ad, this is the best they could come up with?” I thought it was junior high humor and the intended “free” themed connection was weak.
what does peeing have to do with taxact?. WTF is taxact anyway? I couldn’t understand the narrative message at all…what did running around the house trying to find a bathroom have to do with the kid finally relieving himself? Are we to conclude that he needed to pee and could not find a conventional and sanitary alternative so that , in the end, he used the pool? Is that really all? Why didn’t he use the pool in the first place, like 99% of normal kids? This ad is vacant of any meaning at all. The only thing that surpasses its lack of wit is its utter irrelevance to the product being sold.
I thought it was hysterical and so did my husband. I really have no tolerance for peeing in the pool either (and I don’t have kids), but that’s not the point. It’s just funny – and the kid was great! And yes, I remembered who the advertiser was. We recorded the game, rewound, watched the ad again and then played it again the next morning (one hour and six minutes into the recording).
Ew. just Ew. But I am not a parent, so my kid peeing tolerance might be lower than most of your readers.
Nope. I have two kids and a swimming pool and I have pretty much no tolerance for pee. LOL
Have I told you how I admire the way you write articles with affiliate links? Seems very copacetic. 😛
PS: No need to publish this comment.