I came across this Texting and Driving PSA today. It really hit me hard because I have watched people VERY close to me in my life text and drive. In fact, I’ve mentioned to them several times how dangerous I think it is. But it doesn’t stop them. I’ve read studies lately that say that cell phone use and texting while driving is even more dangerous than drunk driving. It just doesn’t get quite as much attention….YET!
Even more scary to me than the people close to me doing this is that they all have kids who will one day be drivers. If they see their parents doing it, why wouldn’t they? Your kids will do as you do…not as you say. They figure “Mom and Dad never got in an accident, either will I.” But combine inexperienced drivers with texting and it is literally an accident waiting to happen.
This video actually brought tears to my eyes because I can all too vividly imagine that it could be my girls in the first car…or my whole family in the second car. I try not to even use my cell phone buttons when I am driving, but we all do things without thinking. We need to get out of the mindset that it is okay to even TOUCH our cell phones while we are behind the wheel. Otherwise, we may find ourselves living this video.
Edited: Apparently this video is now becoming very popular. It was the Texting and Driving PSA shown on the Today Show this week. Good! I am glad it it circulating!
I’m with you, Kristen. You know, I was on my way to the school tonight and needed to call Kevin real quick. I picked up my phone just to scroll through to his phone number and immediately put it back down. I thought “even 2 seconds of scrolling could cause an accident.” It didn’t kill me (literally) to wait until I got to the school to call him.
Holy crap Tricia! I want to cry (did actually) and throw up. The part with the baby just killed me.
Never touching my cell phone again when I am in the car. I hate that I just watched that, but I’m glad that I did. Thanks. I think!